Saturday, 24 January 2015

Learning Outcome 1 - Ethical Business - What do businesses need to consider?

Hi all,

You will be producing a blog for this activity.  Make sure that you include photos, videos and links to relevant stories as you progress, as well as your reasoned evaluation of the company and its behaviours.

In this learning outcome, you will be explaining the ethical issues a business needs to consider in its operational activities.  You will do this by looking at the company and any news stories that are relevant.  Several companies have been in the news lately due to their unethical behaviours or because of how ethical they are trying to be.  For example, can you name a company who has recently stopped using suppliers who use child labour to make their products?  This is an example of a company taking action to improve their ethical operations.

When you have written about the business and how it manages its operational activities, you will then be able to assess how they could improve the ethics of their operations.  Use examples from other companies if this helps you to explain the points you want to raise.

To finish, as an evaluation, discuss the impact of their behaviour, either ethical or unethical, on the stakeholders of the business and on the business as a whole.  You should be able to name at least 4 different stakeholders and you can refer back to Unit 1 if you need any clarification of what a stakeholder is.

You MUST include:
- Analysis of mission statement
- Analysis of aims and objectives
- Impact on Business & stakeholders
- How could ethical practices be improved/shared?
- Evaluate the effect of sharing/introducing new ethical practices
Katie & Karen

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